Volume 8 Issue 1 (January-June,2021)

1. Women Entrepreneurs Woes ! Government’s Success ? (1663 downloads) Mervin Felix Caleb, Kiran Kumar A.C, Anupama Sundar 2. Environmental Degradation of Urpad Beel, Goalpara (3339 downloads) Hem Chandra Kalita 3. SARS-CoV-2 a relation with other Acute Respiratory Tract Infectious (ARTI) diseases: A short communication (1553 downloads) Sympli Hakani D 4. A Descriptive Study to assess the knowledge regarding AIDS among Students in Govt. Sen. Sec. School in selected in Haryana (1617 downloads) Sonia Devi 5. Exploring Ecological Swaraj or Radical Ecological Democracy : A Path Towards Postdevelopment In India (1808 downloads) Akash Jash 6. Practical Vedanta of Swami Vivekananda: An Estimate (1853 downloads) Amit Kumar Batabyal 7. Migration and Marginalisation: A Study of Labour Migrants from India to Singapore (1813 downloads) Malyashree Mandal 8. Tathkalin O Samakalin Samaje Narir Abasthan O Adhikar (Bengali Article) (1783 downloads) Swarnali Mukhopadhyay 9. Socio-economic condition and its influence on the immunization status of their children in Rajasthan– an analysis of NFHS 4 data (1512 downloads) Nirmala Peter and Jyotsana Pareek 10. Challenges in the present-day Karnataka Classical Music Concerts (1770 downloads) Manjula M. R. and M. Manjunath 11. Importance of Data Analysis In The Field of Physical Education and Sports (8986 downloads) Kishore Mukhopadhyay 12. Challenges in Dentistry during Covid- 19 Pandemic: The new normal (1875 downloads) M Arif Khawaja , Puneet Ahuja , Nishant Singh 13. The Unexpected Setback to Bengaluru - COVID-19 Disaster Management Review (1843 downloads) Kannamani Ramasamy 14. Problems of Scientific Research in the Arab World (1938 downloads) Mohammed B. E. Saaida


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