Submit Manuscript

The intention of IJIMS is to act as a international academic research journal for multidisciplinary publications. Before submission of the manuscript to this multidisciplinary journal,authors should check that all the basic requirements as enumerated in the guideline page is fulfilled by the manuscript. Make sure that all the abbreviations used in the manuscript have been defined upon its first mention in the text . Footnotes should be avoided. Additively, ensure that citation of references within the text of the manuscript is present. In case of adoption of Figures / Diagrams / Tables from any book , journal, etc the source of it should be given in references.Submission of papers for publication, implies that all the authors have given consent for its publication in IJIMS. The manuscript should be submitted only by email to International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS). You should email your manuscript at both the following email ids : and

The journal does not have any article submission charges . However , to get the article published, there is a publication fee. Authors should acquaint themselves of the Publication Fee Structure ,before submitting the manuscripts.

The submitted manuscript is assigned a reviewer within 5 hours of its submission.Peer-review of the submitted article is completed with a week. Generally, 3 days are required to complete the peer review process,and the decision of acceptance/ rejection/ comments is conveyed to the authors. In case the peer review takes place for more than 3 days, authors should compulsorily enquire the status of their paper by email. The accepted article is published in the issue for which the author has submitted it.The journal has no return/refund policy because of author's error or misconduct, nor does it transfer amounts for any dues. There is no exception to this.